Change to Club EMAIL
PLEASE note that the Bowling Club EMAIL has changed. The ONLY EMAIL address that will now work is: Use this EMAIL address ONLY.
PLEASE note that the Bowling Club EMAIL has changed. The ONLY EMAIL address that will now work is: Use this EMAIL address ONLY.
Scroungers is played WEDNESDAY afternoon commences 12.30 SHARP. Be here by 12.15 to register. Come along for a relaxed, fun afternoon with your fellow bowlers.
Congratulations Gwyn Davies on becoming a life member of the Kwinana Bowling Club. After years of loyal service, an honour well deserved.
Congratulations to Peter Briggs for playing his 1000 pennant games over a period of 50+ years for Kwinana bowling club today. What an achievement only done by one other in the 60 year history of the club. Well done Peter, we look forward to many more.